Quick Pro-Tips for the Guys
Because not every guy has a positive male role model in their life, here’s some quick pro-tips for the guys out there who really need them.
1- Learn to cook simple dishes like chicken, rice, and steamed veggies. Just enough so that you don’t have to rely on either take out or microwaveable foods every time. It’s better for your waistline, your wallet, AND it’ll boost your self esteem!
2- You don’t need a shoe closet, but it’s best for you to own at least three pairs of shoes: one for casual wear, one for work, and one for fancy occasions.
3- Don’t know where to take a girl on a first date? Two words: coffee shops. Invite her to a coffee and a chat; get to know her a little, buy her a cup of coffee, relax and enjoy!
4- When you get shot down by a girl, just shrug it off and move on to the next one. And yes, there’s ALWAYS a next one.
5- Wanna be the type of guy girls wanna date? Be well read, have a fun hobby, and look presentable. If you’ve got jokes to make her laugh, consider that a bonus.
5a- Everything I’ve said so far applies to gay men, too; just change she for he, and girl with guy.
5b- Oh, and this goes without saying: don’t be a dick.
6- Learn the basics of plumbing, carpentry, and auto mechanics. Why pay up the nose for a plumber to just change a pipe when you can do it yourself?
7- Last one for today; always remember that there’s no price on your dignity and self-respect. Never tolerate infidelity from your Significant Other, and never tolerate when someone oversteps the boundaries you’ve set up for yourself.