Leftist Quickies the Fifth
Because your lunch break is criminally short, here’s some Leftist Quickies.
1- “Greed is human nature.” Nuh-uh. Human nature is just our material conditions, nothing less. If you grow up in an environment that promotes and rewards greed, you’ll become greedy. Not ironically, capitalism promotes and rewards greed.
2- Fake news is real, and it creates Manufactured Consent. That’s when the news and the media get you to believing bullshit so you’ll consent to whatever the fuck the bourgeoisie want.
2a- Also remember: the government is in the pocket of the bourgeoise.
3- Landlords are parasites. They make their money off of charging you for living in a building they own. The US has around seven homes for every homeless person, so naturally rent prices should be low; instead they’re astronomically high. Also, property values tend to be manipulated by circumstances, such as zoning laws that prohibit certain neighborhoods from building houses that fit more than one family.
4- “Race realists” are racists. End of story.
5- “Gender critics” are transphobes. So are Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists. End of story.
6- Superstraight or super straight isn’t a sexual orientation, it’s a song by Australian rock band Regurgitator. That song’s a bop.
6a- Just say “I don’t want to date trans people because I don’t see them as the gender they identify as.” What, that makes you sound transphobic? Well too bad. Either deal with your transphobia, or accept it and own it.