Leftist Quickies for March 2022
Because your bathroom break is being metered, here’s some Leftist Quickies.
1- If a Leftist newsgroup, subreddit, or YouTube channel is suddenly taken off the web, that’s proof they were doing something the Establishment considered dangerous to its interests.
2- Fake news is real, and you’re being bombarded with it on the daily. Remember: at the end of the day, there’s little difference between State run media and Corporate run media.
3- If you applaud soldiers coating their bullets in pig fat to kill Muslim enemy combatants, you’re a piece of shit. Why? Consumption of pig meat and fat is forbidden in Islam, and so forcing that into the bodies of Muslims is quite disrespectful.
3a-If your only criticism of said practice is “that’s a bad look,” you’re still a piece of shit.
3b- If you’re gonna get mad at someone for “defending Islam,” take a look in the mirror. That person staring back at you is a piece of shit. Religion is the opiate of the masses; killing someone for their religion, or making them feel less than for it is not the way we Leftists should conduct ourselves.
4- It’s OK to criticize a war, because we Proletariats don’t want war; only the Bourgeoise do. But recognize as well that condemning one side of the war should never, EVER be conflated with supporting the other. Also be aware that landing ALL the blame on one side does nothing but help the other. Do you WANT to help the Bourgeoisie?
5- Research BEFORE you speak. So many fake Leftists giving out opinions on shit they haven’t even done a five second Google search on, Jesus…