Leftist Quickies
Sometimes we don’t have time to read a one thousand page treatise on Leftism or Leftist thought, so here’s some quickies to get you going.
1- You know what sucks? Working for seven bucks an hour for the guy who makes thirty two bucks an hour, who in turn works for the guy making one hundred bucks an hour, who himself reports to the dude making one thousand bucks an hour, but the only one doing ANY heavy lifting and risking their health is you!
2- You know what else is messed up? Paying five hundred dollars for an ambulance ride to the hospital. I’ll take an Uber, thanks. What, I’ll die on the way? I know that, but do I LOOK like I’ve got five hundred big ones laying around?
3- Everyone’s told to go to college to get a degree, get a sweet job, and avoid being something like a sanitation worker. If a politician misses three days of work, hardly anyone would notice. An engineer missing three days of work? Some people would notice. A sanitation worker or street sweeper missing three days of work? YOU’LL NOTICE!
4- You might deride them for asking for fifteen bucks an hour for putting a pickle on a bun, but those fast food workers just saved you who knows how much of your time preparing your food. And considering most of you office types hurry out of your homes with as little as a bagel and a cup of coffee in your stomachs, that’s the proof that hardly ANY of you have the time to be preparing your own lunches.
5- Here’s a thought: instead of complaining about how publicly funded college makes that sweet diploma you drowned yourself in debt for less special, why not turn your anger at the system that made drowning in debt the only viable way for you to get said diploma?
6- Racism is more than KKK and acquitting white folk who kill blacks, it’s also the way most folk look for a way to see what a minority did to deserve getting killed by a cop.
7- OK, something lighter now: Ben Shapiro is no boogeyman. He’s not very smart, and in fact he likes to intimidate the people he debates with. His “intellect” is ninety percent the same soundbites you can hear from any Right wing subreddit, and ten percent taking advantage of the naivete of the 20 year old and younger college kids he loves to debate.
8- How many genders are there? Answer: NOBODY REALLY CARES! It’s all about treating people with respect and decency, and if that includes using funny made-up pronouns and letting people use a bathroom, then I say let zem pee!
9- Last one, I promise. Fascism can’t be tolerated because fascism sees a good portion of the population as less than worthy of living peacefully with everyone else. To put it simply: if we can’t coexist peacefully, I’ll defend my right to life violently. And no, we shouldn’t wait around for the bullets to start flying to do something about the fash; once you start talking like a fash, you’ll be treated like one.