>Instead of using that opportunity to show pride and gratitude to the country that has supported her at every turn, instead of being an inspiration to the little girls who were watching, instead of showing comrade with her fellow countrymen, she chose to use her moment for clout and to make national headlines by shunning the very nation that supports her right to do so.
Because that same country also didn't give a fuck about a black man getting killed in broad daylight by a white police officer. Or a twelve year old black kid getting killed for having a toy gun. Or a black man getting kneed in the neck for eight minutes, crushing his trachea. Or a paramedic getting murdered in her own home by plainsclothes police officers. Because Gwen Berry knows that, if it happened to her, that same country and those same countrymen applauding her in that moment wouldn't be outraged at her death, they'd be making excuses for her killers.