And now, I will provide some answers...
1- The heroes have plot armor, but also most of the time they're wearing civilian clothing. It's a psychological effect that soldiers tend to intentionally try to miss combatants in civilian clothing. In battles where the Rebels are wearing uniform, Troopers tend to be much more precise and dangerous.
2- Black spandex.
3- They collect moisture from the air plus milk Banthas. Most of Tattooine's population is from off-world that settled on Tattooine for reasons unknown. Tattooine's native population are the Tuskens and Jawas,
4- Don't disrespect Carrie Fisher like that.
5- The second Death Star was mostly a hollow shell with a working weapon, but the first Death Star's construction was stalled and sabotaged by Rebel sympathizers.
6- The Galaxy has a central calendar that marks years based on certain events. Up until the Sequels, this calendar was based on the Battle of Yavin; after the Sequels, on the destruction of Hosnian System.
7- No OSHA in the Galaxy.
8- When you become One with the Force, your body dematerializes. This happened to Luke at the end of Last Jedi. No, Sith abuse the Force, so they can't be One with it.
9- Programmed that way.
10- Look at REAL bears, then come back.
11- Sci-fi, that's why.
12- Lightsabers cauterize cut limbs.
13- Empire was very pro-human, anti-alien.
14- Jabba the Hutt's a freak that even other Hutts are disgusted by. He also kept Twi'lek slaves and regularly harassed them.
15- Conventions of sci-fi; most aliens in fiction are just humans with rubber foreheads. Look at Star Trek.
16- Anakin was conceived by the Midichlorians, the miniature beings that live inside living cells. They help connect people to the Force.
17- The first movie in the Star Wars saga.
18- The race was to help win parts to fix Qui-Gon's ship, with the added bonus of freeing Anakin from slavery.
19- Sith are Dark Side Force wielders who oppose the Jedi. There used to be many more, but they kept backstabbing each other until Darth Bane said "no, only twofrom now on." That was a thousand years or so before TPM.
20- They were designed that way.
21- No comment
22- Go look up Kit Fisto; he has a way bigger Thirst Club.
23- Yup.
24- Jedi training is heavily flawed, and a good chunk of it was drilling into the youngling's heads not to form attachments and what not. This means that most Jedi end up emotionally constipated.
25- The Droids are either controlled by a control ship, or by a Droid General that gives the droids their instructions. Army droids otherwise have limited intellectual capacity. It's why the Clones can beat them so handily.
26- To be fair, Palpatine was very friendly and a MAGNIFICENT actor. Had the whole council fooled!
27- He's the GOAT.
28- He's emotionally a wreck.
29- Force Lightning is a Dark Side ability that requires focused hate to work.
30- Blue are for warrior Jedi, green are for more scholarly Jedi.
31- Forcefields, and sheer will power respectively.
32- Magic of Hollywood.
33- The whole point of the second one was to make it look like it was incomplete and easy to destroy, when in fact it was fully operational. It was a trap that would have worked like a charm if not for the Ewoks.
34- He didn't find out until the movie was pretty much over. By then, Leia had only known she was Vader's kid for a day at most.
35- YOU SURE DO! Guys like him end up being wife beaters in real life!
36- Tell your friend to thank Adam Driver's contract and hair dresser.
37- Please direct all your complaints to JJ Abrams and Rian Jhnson, because neither of them had any actual plans for these movies.
38- It is; this is called Plot Armor.
39- Hollywood magic.
41- Sci-fi, with heavy emphasis on the fiction.
42- Shitty writing, that's how.